Japan – MonaLisa Touch® presentation to mark the 5th anniversary of DEKA Japan

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of DEKA Japan – DEKA’s subsidiary in Japan – the MonaLisa Touch® procedure was presented to over 150 physicians.
The event was held at the Italian embassy in Tokyo, one of the city’s most important diplomatic buildings, representing the close ties between Japanese and Italian culture.
The event was chaired by Ambassador Domenico Giorgi, who gave a warm welcome to the many guests and invited Dr. Mauro Galli (DEKA International Sales Director) to present the company. Mauro Galli recounted the history of DEKA, from its origins to its latest innovation: MonaLisa Touch®
The presentation ended with a speech by Gabriele Clementi (Chairman of the El.En. group) who delivered a message of congratulations to DEKA Japan, a key partner for DEKA.
The participants were also honored by a visit from the Japanese Minister of Health Yasuhisa Shiozaki, who wished DEKA Japan every success.

MonaLisa Touch® launch in China highly successful

MonaLisa Touch®, the innovative system of vaginal rejuvenation that is proving such a hit in many countries, including Italy and the United States, was presented last December 10 to the specialist press and to the industry in the Republic of China.

From Italy a Special Preview, as the event held at and in conjunction with the Italian Embassy in Beijing was called, was attended by various members of the medical sector, directors of hospitals and private clinics and the specialist press. Guests included representatives from major Chinese search engines and some of the most popular local blogs.

The event began with greetings from Italian Ambassador Alberto Bradanini who expressed his hope for greater and more active collaboration between Italy and China in the medical field. There were a number of speakers: Mauro Galli (DEKA International Sales Director) presented the El.En. Group, the group holding company to which DEKA belongs, Riccardo Stocchi, China Sales Manager, presented DEKA and MonaLisa Touch® illustrating the market opportunities and finally Prof. Nicola Zerbinati, of Varese University, explained the treatment from a clinical point of view and the background scientific studies that make MonaLisa Touch® the only scientifically validated method.

They were followed by the testimony of Prof. Yang (Head of the Dermatology Department at Beijing Hospital) and Prof. Gao Zhiqiang (Surgical Division Director at the Union Hospital in Beijing) who spoke of the reliability and professionalism both of DEKA and the SmartXide2 system which has been used for surgical applications.

We have great expectations for China, which is for us a very strategic market”, said Mauro Galli (DEKA International Sales Director). We hope that a significant and fruitful partnership will be born. 

DEKA has a unique product, with no similar competitor in a market that is looking for total well-being. The wellness market is actually growing in China and MonaLisa Touch® is a perfect fit in this context.

Our motto is to act step by step, especially in difficult new markets such as China, went on Mauro Galli. We will assess reactions to this event, and if all goes to plan, we may repeat the presentation in other cities such as Shanghai, for example. China is indeed great and Beijing is only one part of it!

From the point of view of distribution, we have reached agreements with some companies with connections in both the public and private sectors. Our goal is in fact to reach hospitals and medical SPAs – private clinics which are growing strongly in China”. As Riccardo Stocchi (China Export Manager) says “We have also established partnerships with hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, which are conducting clinical trials on the treatment of vaginal laxity, both after childbirth and in menopause, with MonaLisa Touch®.

China is an important strategic goal for DEKA and the event marks a first step towards a role that we imagine will continue to grow. The benefits that the MonaLisa Touch® treatment can bring this country is a concrete contribution and a significant innovation for the welfare of Chinese women.

MonaLisa Touch® arrives in the US

DEKA announces that Cynosure Inc. (Chemsford, MA, USA) will distribute in USA and Canada the CO2 laser systemSmartXide2 for V2LR applications (MonaLisa Touch®) under the brand name of DEKA. Cynsoure has introduced SmartXide2 for the first time in USA at PAGS 2014 (Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecology Surgery) from December 4th to 6th in Las Vegas. “This agreement is an important step for millions of North America women who will benefit of this important treatment for the side effects of vaginal atrophy. We are sure that Cynosure is the right distributor because they know very well the potentiality and reliability of CO2 laser system designed by DEKA.” Commented Prof. Leonardo Masotti, President of DEKA. Cynosure is already taking many orders from US doctors and will install the first systems in few weeks. “Introducing MonaLisa Touch® in USA and Canada is very important for DEKA and all DEKA distributors. I’m sure that MonaLisa Touch® will be successful also in increasing the acceptance of this innovative and new technique all over the World.” Said Mauro Galli, Export Manager of DEKA, “DEKA has already installed more than 600 SmartXide2 systems all over the world and MonaLisa Touch® treatments are estimated to be already more than 300,000. No important adverse effects have been reported until now, placing MonaLIsa Touch® as the surest and safest laser treatment known.”   DEKA believes all the MonaLisa Touch® distributors will boost their sales thank to the enormous clinical and commercial advertising going to come from the US market in the following months and will require them to duplicate their efforts to increase sales of MonaLisa Touch® in their territories.

How MonaLisa Touch treatment is changing women’s life – Online Conference

MonaLisa Touch webinar: the 19th of May 2015 – at 3:00 p.m (GMT+2) – two Professors worldwide known will talk about the therapy and answer public’s questions.

Stefano Salvatore, M.D. (San Raffaele Hospital, Milan – Italy) and Mickey Karram, M.D. (Director of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Surgery at Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio – USA) will discuss how MonaLisa Touch treatment is changing women’s life.

Webinar is an online conference where speakers and participants discuss a topic through the computer.
Participants can view presentations, ask questions and interact with the speakers.
Sign up and don’t miss this unique event!


Six scientific publications confirm the effectiveness and safety of CO2 fractional laser treatment, now approved worldwide

MonaLisa Touch® is the first laser treatment for menopause-related problems to be approved by the international medical community.

Six scientific publications between 2014 and 2015 confirm the effectiveness and safety of CO2 fractional laser treatment, now approved worldwide

Professor Stefano Salvatore, Director of the Functional Unit of Urogynaecology at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan, is among the authors of international publications about MonaLisa Touch® and will shortly be appointed as the new president of EUGA, the European Urogynecological Association


April 2015 – Over the last year six articles have been published by the most prestigious international scientific reviews confirming, including by the scientific community, the effectiveness and safety of the MonaLisa Touch® CO2 fractional laser treatment.

The publications are amongst the most authoritative: one in The Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders. two in Climacteric (the official journal of the International Menopause Society), one in Maturitas, one in Lasers in Medical Science, and one in Menopause (the official journal of the North American Menopause Society).

Peer reviewed scientific publications, controlled by impartial scientific bodies, agree in pointing out the MonaLisa Touch® treatment, developed by Italian company DEKA, as a great innovation in treating symptoms linked to vulvovaginal atrophy.

This is a unique result, obtained by banking on professional and scientific rigor: DEKA is the first and only company in the sector to have received approval at worldwide level, in international scientific publications, in regard to the validity, effectiveness and safety of CO2 fractional laser treatment used to combat menopause symptoms.

MonaLisa Touch® is a mini-invasive laser procedure treating the effects of ageing on the internal tissues of the female genital apparatus with an advanced vaginal photorejuvenation technique. The technique is based on the SmartXide2 system, which guarantees reliability and a very high performance level thanks to a CO2 laser source which emits a pulse, specially developed for this type of treatment.

The CO2 laser, controlled by appropriate computerized systems (exclusive DEKA technology), determines a regenerating action of the aged fibres and induces production of new collagen, so as to correct the volume of the mucous membrane and remodel it, also restoring hydration and elasticity effectively and painlessly.

The therapy, generally completed in ten minutes, can give benefits right from the first treatment. Further, it has no collateral effects and is also good therapy for the treatment of vaginal tissue following operations for gynecological tumors (ovaries, uterus) and breast tumors.

The worldwide scientific community has found evident improvement in the patient’s quality of life: the symptoms of vulvovaginal atrophy, including burning, itchiness, dryness, dyspareunia, laxness and problems connected with urinary incontinence, are significantly reduced at 12 weeks from treatment with MonaLisa Touch®. To this can be added an improvement in women’s sexual life when they have undertaken this laser treatment (International Menopause Society).

In general, 91.7% of patients are satisfied or very satisfied with the treatment. Moreover, no collateral effect has been encountered, thus also confirming the safety of the MonaLisa Touch® CO2 laser treatment (Maturitas).

At twelve weeks from use, the laser has been effective in reducing dyspareunia in 100% of patients, all satisfied by the results obtained (Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders).

Studies carried out confirm that the microablative CO2 fractional laser can induce a remodeling of the connective vaginal tissue without causing damage to the surrounding tissues (The Journal of the North American Menopause Society).

Professor Stefano Salvatore, Director of the Functional Unit of Urogynecology at the IRCCS San Raffaele hospital in Milan, soon to become the president of the European Uro-Gynaecological Association (EUGA), is the author of four publications on the MonaLisa Touch® and is among those who have contributed to the validation of the methodology: “When, five years ago, with Dr. Zerbinati (dermatologist) and Professor Calligaro (histologist), we began clinical and scientific validation of the MonaLisa Touch procedure, I did not expect such outstanding results. The simplicity, mini-invasive nature and safety of the procedure, performed totally in day hospital and which requires no other type of preparation such as analgesics or anesthesia, constitutes a true revolution in the gynecological field. In a short time we succeeded in getting important and incontrovertible results, which also took into account the perception of women with respect to post-treatment improvement. Italian and overseas physicians came to us to learn how the therapy functions and today MonaLisa Touch is present all over the world. Prestigious U.S. centers (such as Stanford University or the University of Cincinnati), after a short training period held by us, have commenced using MonaLisa Touch with great enthusiasm and have obtained results of the same level attained by us. Today women live more than a third of their lives after menopause, thanks to various medical-social and behavioral factors. I am glad to be able to say that MonaLisa Touch contributes to adding quality of life”. 

More info at www.monalisatouch.com 

About DEKA.

DEKA develops and markets laser and light-based systems allowing dermatologists, plastic surgeons, gynecologists and other medical practitioners to perform non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures to rejuvenate vaginal mucosa, treat ENT benign and malignant tumors, remove skin wrinkles, vascular and benign pigmented lesions, multi-colored tattoos, eliminate unwanted fat by DEKA-invented laser lipolysis, reduce cellulite, treat many important dental diseases. DEKA produces a broad range of laser and lightbased energy sources including CO2, Alexandrite, Diode, Nd: YAG, Er:YAG, pulsed dye, Q-switched lasers, intense pulsed and excimer lights, and radiofrequency technology. DEKA sells its products globally under its brand name through a direct sales force in the Italy, France, Japan and USA, and through international distributors in approximately 80 countries.

For corporate or product information, visit DEKA’s website at



Histological study on the effects of microablative fractional CO2 laser on atrophic vaginal tissue: an ex vivo study. S. Salvatore et al. Menopause 2015 Jan 20. doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000000401. [Epub ahead of print]

Vulvo-vaginal atrophy: A new treatment modality using thermo-ablative fractional CO2 laser. A. Perino et al. Maturitas. 2015 Mar; 80(3):296-301. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2014.12.006. Epub 2014 Dec 25

Sexual function after fractional microablative CO2 laser in women with vulvovaginal atrophy. S. Salvatore et al. Climacteric 2014 Dec 16. doi:10.3109/13697137.2014.975197 [Epub ahead of print]

Microscopic and ultrastructural modifications of postmenopausal atrophic vaginal mucosa after fractional carbon dioxide laser treatment. N. Zerbinati et al. Lasers Med Sci 2015 Jan, Vol. 30, No. 1:429-36. doi: 10.1007/s10103-014-1677-2. Epub 2014 Nov 20.

Microablative fractional CO2 laser improves dyspareunia related to vulvovaginal atrophy: a pilot study. S. Salvatore et al. Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders 2014. DOI:10.5301/je.5000184. Epub 2014 Jun 20.

A 12-week treatment with fractional CO2 laser for vulvovaginal atrophy: a pilot study. S. Salvatore et al. Climacteric Aug 2014, Vol. 17, No. 4:363-369. doi: 10.3109/13697137.2014.899347. Epub 2014 Jun 5.


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– MonaLisa Touch galardonado como el mejor producto de calidad

MonaLisa Touch procedure has been presented during the International Convention on Public Health “Cuba Salud 2015” held from 20th to 24th of April at Havana (Cuba) and it has been awarded as The Best Quality Product.

More than 150 companies over the world have attended this important exhibition and only MonaLisa Touch – the innovative procedure produced and commercialized by DEKA – received this important award by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education of the Cuban Republic . “We are very proud of it” said Dario Di Fiore (DEKA South and Central America Sales Manager) “I noticed a great interest in this new procedure. We started working with Cuba in 2007 and we are noticing an increasing interest in new medical products and new applications.
Many doctors attended my presentation about MonaLisa Touch product at this workshop and after the Cuba Salud 2015 award we have great expectations to increase our sales in this market